An experimental study to evaluate the efficacy of herbal treatment for waste water
Water is a renewable resource, made continuously available by hydrological cycle which operates through solar energy. It is also one of the most exploited resources of nature, as there are few or no stringent laws governing the usage of water for domestic and other purposes. In a country like India where majority of the population is below the poverty line, indiscriminate discharge of industrial and domestic waste into water bodies has multiplied the water scarcity problem, manifolds. Judicious usage of available resources and employing green technology to recycle water are the right paths for combating this universal problem. Towards this goal, the present work focuses on treating tannery effluent with plant products as a viable pre-treatment. The experiment had been designed to capture the efficacy of bio products in reducing the TotalDissolved Solids, and other parameters in order to improve the quality of tannery effluents.