
Antibacterial activity of seed and bark extracts of Holarrhena antidysenterica

M.Joice, E.Kumaran, G.R.Gnanaprabhal, B.Padmapriya

In the present study of seed and bark of Hollarhena antidysenterica was screened for antibacterial activity.Air dried Seed and bark powder of plant was subjected to hot continuous extraction with various solvents like aqueous extracts and acetone extracts. Aqueous extract was prepared by cold maceration. Result: The antimicrobial activity of seed and bark of Holarrhena antidysenterica when tested have exhibited different degree of antimicrobial activity against tested organism. So it is found to be effective against all testedmicroorganismswith inhibition zone ranging from18- 25mm

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  • Diretório de indexação de periódicos de pesquisa (DRJI)
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