
Modeling of different shaped microcantilevers for sensing applications

Navneet Gupta, Akshita Agarwal, Sagar Katdare

We present the comparison of frequency response of different shaped microcantilever beams (namely rectangular, T-shaped andV-shaped) which are commonly used for sensing applications. Performance was measured on the basis of both resonant frequency and geometrical parameters. It was found that the overall cantilever design that produced optimum sensitivity for sensing applications is the rectangular shaped microcantilever. After optimizing the shape ofmicrocantilever we have performed the analysis based on material properties. It is observed that out of all possible candidates silicon carbide possesses highest value of resonant frequency.

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  • Infraestrutura Nacional de Conhecimento da China (CNKI)
  • CiteFactor
  • Cosmos SE
  • Biblioteca de Periódicos Eletrônicos
  • Diretório de indexação de periódicos de pesquisa (DRJI)
  • Laboratórios secretos de mecanismos de pesquisa

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