
Tamarindus Indica Seeds as a Natural Ion Exchanger for Removal of Iron (III)

P. N. Kamble, H. R. Aher, S. J. Kokate and S. R. Kuchekar

The new selective, sensitive and rapid method was developed for removal of iron from aqueous solution. The seeds were dried and pulverized to 200 mesh. This powder was treated with 39% formaldehyde and 0.2 N sulphuric acid. This treated powder of tamarindus indica seeds was tested for absorption efficiency. The absorption study was carried out with equilibration of 1.0 g of natural resin at different time intervals. The removal of iron (III) from standard solutions without adjusting the pH and also after adjusting pH at 6.0 was carried out. 1.0 g of natural resin removes up to 99.0% iron (III) from its solutions.

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