
The Hidden Pollution of Cities

Diego López Diez*

Pollution of the environment is a topic that provokes sensations of dread today, because climate change, global warming and the pollution of cities are very notorious elements in our day to day. It is only a few years that concern about these problems has been become part of a global consciousness. But are they really all treated? Problems obviously this answer is unfortunately negative. Water pollution is par excellence one of the problems that human beings generate organic matter wherever we go, phosphates, nitrates and non-soluble solid residues (as major elements) among others, they are the cause of the death of aquatic ecosystems. Throughout this article we will see the different sources of contamination of waters of the Pisuerga River as it passes through Valladolid (Spain) [1].

Isenção de responsabilidade: Este resumo foi traduzido usando ferramentas de inteligência artificial e ainda não foi revisado ou verificado

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