The temperature record of Alice spring, Northern territory of Australia revisited
Albert Parker
The Northern Territory of Australia has been the subject of a paper [1] proposing the truly observed temperature trends clearly contrasting the reconstructed and homogenised global trends reported by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), and a comment to the paper [24] by climate scientists of BOM with the right of reply to the author of[1] waived. The authors of [24] claim to present “evidence that the results presented by Boretti (2013) are at least partly attributable to his failure to account for inhomogeneities in the underlying station data and to the use of time periods for trends which are different to those in the Bureau of Meteorology analyses with which he is comparing them” to conclude “The evidence, as presented in this paper, therefore fails to support his conclusions of inconsistencies between the Bureau of Meteorology analyses and the station data.” It is shown here thatit is actually the “homogeneization Â”by the climate scientists of BOM, replacementof observed temperature profiles that do not supporting any warming withcomputed profiles supporting the warming, to be wrong. This paper confirms that the analysis[1] of the BOM data set “High Quality” (HQ) was correct. The paper also shows the present BOM data set Australian Climate Observations Reference Network (ACORN) is even more corrupted and unreliable than the previous HQ data set. The trends reported by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology were and are inconsistent with the truly measured profiles.